I don’t need a secure website, what’s the worst that can happen?
Whether it’s paid-for content, or client information, all CMS data is subject to security breaches that could have costly or even legal implications – a secure website is paramount.
2 min read
Why hosting should never be £20 per month
Some hosting solutions promise to a website from scratch cheaply, but every facet of hosting – from content building to maintenance – needs to be considered.
2 min read
The five benefits of going Headless on WordPress with SiteBox
SiteBox can help you go headless on WordPress. Here are five key advantages of this platform to get started today.
2 min read
Bad BAU practices that kill site performance
Some BAU practices concerning images, code, meta-data, and plugins can produce many little speedbumps which unwittingly kill your site performance.
2 min read
Secure WordPress hosting is tough, but essential
No website is foolproof. But secure WordPress hosting is necessary, and simple when taking a few key considerations.
2 min read