Quick-fire Plugins: Uncanny Automator

In the plugin spotlight this time is Uncanny Automator, the way to connect all of your WordPress plugins under one hood.

A web interface showing the Uncanny Automator plugin logo

In the plugin spotlight this time is Uncanny Automator, the way to connect all of your WordPress plugins under one hood. Let’s dig in.

In short

Uncanny Automator allows marketers to set up automations (‘recipes’) across their plugins and applications so that their tasks and workflows run smoothly and interconnectedly.

Used for…

UX, integrations, personalisation


  • Set up user journeys: set custom ‘recipes’ for specific users or posts to trigger an associated automation, improving their site experience.
  • 100+ integrations: from popular WordPress plugins, social media sites, commerce apps and more, sync actions across various platforms (that’d usually seem unconnected) using set automations.
  • Better efficiency: with no-code needed, and reduced manual marketing campaign tasks, agency teams can focus on optimising their digital experiences.

3 languages are currently available on Uncanny Automator.

Final takeaway for agencies and in-house teams…

As all of this plugin’s recipe data stays on your site, and not by a third party service outside your control, it’s all secure. Plus, for advanced developer teams, Uncanny Automator supplies full documentation and code samples, as well as support, for any custom functions.

Interested in learning more about the best WordPress plugins for your agency development teams? Get in contact with SiteBox’s experts today.
