Quick-fire Plugins: Gutenberg

In the plugin spotlight this time is Gutenberg, a popular modular block builder for WordPress.

A web interface showing the Gutenberg plugin logo

In the plugin spotlight this time is Gutenberg, a popular modular block builder for WordPress. Let’s dig in.

In short

As WordPress’ core block-building feature, Gutenberg’s simple interface allows its users to develop highly functioning and sleek web pages in mere minutes.

Used for…

Web pages, landing pages, content editing, UX design


  • Simplified content creation: modular blocks serving specific content types remove clunky editing and can be manipulated independently by writers or designers.
  • Full customisation: rearrange content blocks without the constraints of WordPress themes or touching a line of code, while templates and patterns maintain a consistent professional longer across multiple pages.
  • Speedier sites: with modular content, reusable blocks provide a powerful way to optimise page load times, as well as increasing brand awareness.
  • The key to collaboration: proofing text, adding visuals, and tweaking layouts all happen within the same umbrella interface, allowing for a smoother creation and editing process, with less chances of human error.

Gutenberg supports 56 different languages.

Final takeaway for agencies and in-house teams…

With clients expecting an outstanding site, from visuals to performance, Gutenberg’s easy-to-use and fully functional tools allows marketers, developers and project managers to all contribute together and speed up the building process from initial design to fully deployed page.

Interested in learning more about the best WordPress plugins for your agency development teams? Get in contact with SiteBox’s experts today.
