Quick-fire Plugins: Beaver Builder

In the plugin spotlight this time is Beaver Builder, a drag and drop page builder for the front end of a WordPress site.

A web interface showing the Beaver Builder plugin logo

In the plugin spotlight this time is Beaver Builder, a drag and drop page builder for the front end of a WordPress site. Let’s dig in.

In short

A popular Beaver-themed page builder for mobile-friendly, responsive layouts and a range of Premium modules including forms and tabs that integrates especially well with WordPress.

Used for…

Web pages, landing pages, UX design, content creation


  • Theme-friendly: whether working in your existing WordPress instance, or spinning up new webpages, Beaver Builder is designed to work with any WordPress theme.
  • Omnichannel potential: each drag and drop feature of the plugin is fully responsive to work on any size screen, including any landing pages for drawing in leads.
  • Quick and slick: focused on components that won’t drag page speed with horrendous amounts of scripts and stylesheets, this plugin will ensure only the assets needed to make the page pop are loaded, and fast!

Beaver Builder is currently available in 20 languages.

Final takeaway for agencies and in-house teams…

Serving users ranging from the beginner to the experienced webpage designer, a whole agency team can save full page layouts, templates, colour schemes and styles using the plugin’s Pro option to apply a consistent brand look and feel across a site. There’s also a large Beaver Builder volunteer ‘colony’ on Slack to keep up with community news and developments.

Interested in learning more about the best WordPress plugins for your agency development teams? Get in contact with SiteBox’s experts today.
