Managed WordPress 
Hosting Pricing

A multitude of plans for any size Headless project, we can help.


Performance and Traffic bg-color
Estimated RealVisits The estimated number
of unique visits your website can handle within a given period, based on real
user traffic (not bots or crawlers).
Combined StorageThe total amount of
storage available for your project, including files, databases, and other
resources across all environments.
Combined CDN BandwidthThe total bandwidth
available through the Content Delivery Network (CDN) for serving cached content to your users, ensuring faster load times globally.
Combined Resource BaselineThe total allocation
of server resources like CPU and memory that can be shared across all
environments of a project.
PHP Workers per EnvironmentThe number of PHP
processes that can run simultaneously for each environment, impacting the
performance of dynamic content such as forms and interactive elements.
Capacity bg-color
Number of WebsitesThe maximum number of
independent projects (websites) you can create and manage under your hosting plan.
Environments per WebsiteThe number of separate environments (such as development, staging, and production) you can
create for each project.
Purpose bg-color
Regular WebsitesSupports single-domain websites with standard content such as blogs, company pages, and portfolios.
Multisite WebsitesAllows you to manage
multiple websites from a single WordPress installation, ideal for networks of related sites or blogs.
E-commerceA hosting setup
optimized for online stores, including support for popular platforms like
WooCommerce and Magento, ensuring better performance for transactions.
Security and Optimization bg-color
Free SSL CertificateA complimentary SSL certificate that encrypts the connection between your site and visitors, providing security and improving SEO rankings.
Full Page CacheCaches entire pages
of your website, reducing server load and improving load times by serving
pre-generated pages to visitors.
Redis CacheAn advanced caching
mechanism that stores frequently used data in memory, accelerating
database-driven applications.
SiteBox IdentityA secure and unified solution for managing your website’s identity and access, centralizing user roles and permissions.
SiteBox EnclaveEnclave streamlines authentication,
eliminating the need for additional credentials and providing robust protection
for your website.
Backup and Compliance bg-color
BackupsAutomatic or manual
copies of your website data, ensuring that you can restore your site in case of
issues like data loss or hacking.
Backup RetentionThe length of time
backups are stored and available for restoration, ensuring you can recover from past issues.
14 days14 days14 days14 days
Compliance InterfaceA dedicated dashboard
or toolset for managing compliance-related settings, ensuring your site adheres to standards like GDPR or ISO.
Support & Service Level Agreement bg-color
99.9% UptimeA guarantee that your
website will be available and accessible 99.9% of the time over a year,
minimizing downtime.
Account ManagerA dedicated support
representative to assist you with your hosting needs, providing personalized
service and advice.
Talk to SalesTalk to SalesTalk to SalesTalk to Sales
2 x Websites5 x Websites10 x Websites15 x Websites25 x Websites

Performance and Traffic bg-color
Estimated RealVisits The estimated number of unique visits your website can handle within a given period, based on real user traffic (not bots or crawlers).50.000150.000250.000400.000600.000
Combined StorageThe total amount of
storage available for your project, including files, databases, and other
resources across all environments.
Combined CDN BandwidthThe total bandwidth
available through the Content Delivery Network (CDN) for serving cached content to your users, ensuring faster load times globally.
Combined Resource BaselineThe total allocation
of server resources like CPU and memory that can be shared across all
environments of a project.
PHP Workers per EnvironmentThe number of PHP
processes that can run simultaneously for each environment, impacting the
performance of dynamic content such as forms and interactive elements.
Capacity bg-color
Number of WebsitesThe number of separate environments (such as development, staging, and production) you can create for each project.25101525
Environments per WebsiteThe number of separate environments (such as development, staging, and production) you can create for each project.33333
Purpose bg-color
Regular WebsitesSupports single-domain websites with standard content such as blogs, company pages, and portfolios.
Multisite WebsitesAllows you to manage
multiple websites from a single WordPress installation, ideal for networks of related sites or blogs.
E-commerceA hosting setup
optimized for online stores, including support for popular platforms like
WooCommerce and Magento, ensuring better performance for transactions.
Security and Optimization bg-color
Free SSL CertificateA complimentary SSL
certificate that encrypts the connection between your site and visitors, providing security and improving SEO rankings.
Full Page CacheCaches entire pages of your website, reducing server load and improving load times by serving pre-generated pages to visitors.
Redis CacheAn advanced caching
mechanism that stores frequently used data in memory, accelerating
database-driven applications.
SiteBox IdentityA secure and unified solution for managing your website’s identity and access, centralizing user roles and permissions.
SiteBox EnclaveEnclave streamlines authentication, eliminating the need for additional credentials and providing robust protection
for your website.
Backup and Compliance bg-color
BackupsAutomatic or manual
copies of your website data, ensuring that you can restore your site in case of
issues like data loss or hacking.
Backup RetentionThe length of time
backups are stored and available for restoration, ensuring you can recover from past issues.
30 days30 days30 days30 days30 days
Compliance InterfaceA dedicated dashboard
or toolset for managing compliance-related settings, ensuring your site adheres to standards like GDPR or ISO.
Support & Service Level Agreement bg-color
99.9% UptimeA guarantee that your
website will be available and accessible 99.9% of the time over a year, minimizing downtime.
Account ManagerA dedicated support
representative to assist you with your hosting needs, providing personalized
service and advice.
Talk to SalesTalk to SalesTalk to SalesTalk to SalesTalk to Sales

The Sitebox Dashboard is a central place to manage all WordPress instances, from the development phase through to real-time use. Build, manage and maintain websites adjusted to the needs of your modern agency.
